Hydromagic Survey release notes - version 9.4
- User defined labels for raw data files, soundings and boundaries in the Project Explorer;
- Double click mouse scroll wheel to zoom to complete project;
- Routes can now be exported to ASCII, DXF, KML and ESRI Shape files;
- Improved export of ESRI Shape files (generation of idx, dbf and prj files);
- Route information can be imported from an ASCII source;
- Support for Reson S7K files (single beam import);
- Support for Generic Sensor Format files (single beam import);
- Map footer font size is now auto detected. Up to five lines of free text can now be defined;
- Option to reset the geodesy database when it becomes corrupted for some reason;
- Redesigned the Vector To Matrix tool. Better results and easier to use;
- More information in volume reports (Hydromagic build number, matrix names, matrix types and matrix spacing, when applicable);
- Contour generation much faster for big matrices (containing a lot of cells);
- Increased the size of the digitizer window. Also higher zoom levels are permitted when editing large raw data files;
- 10 times faster selection and eraser removal from echogram editors;
- Raw data file loading times have been improved with 25 percent;
- Lots of small bug fixes and user experience improvements;
Hydromagic Dredging release notes - version 9.4
- User defined labels for boundaries in the Project Explorer;
- Double click mouse scroll wheel to zoom to complete project;
- Improved export of ESRI Shape files (generation of idx, dbf and prj files);
- The center of the digging view can now be moved by dragging with the mouse cursor;
- Added motion sensor calibration and convention settings;
- Option to lock matrices so they cannot be overwritten with dredging data;
- Display of design depth in the digging views;
- Dredging depth alarm can now monitor underdredge, overdredge and design depth levels;
- Option to reset the geodesy database when it becomes corrupted for some reason;
- Course made good arrow to show motion of the vessel or barge;
- Got rid of the layer selection, just use different matrices for post dredging, dredging and pre dredging;
- Added volume calculation tools (staging volumes);
- Map footer font size is now auto detected. Up to five lines of free text can now be defined;
- Added data export tools;
- Built in ENC downloading tool (US NOAA and inland charts only);
- Contour generation much faster for big matrices (containing a lot of cells);
- Lots of small bug fixes and user experience improvements;
Hydromagic Terrain Viewer release notes - version 9.4
- Got rid of the layer selection, making it easier to use with Hydromagic Dredging.