HARN - High Accuracy Reference Network
A HARN is a state wide or regional upgrade in accuracy (6-8cm) of NAD 83 coordinates using Global Positioning System (GPS) observations. The datum used with HARN is NAD83(HARN). The HARN grid shift files are used to convert between NAD83 and NAD83(HARN) coordinates. To get the actual datum shift for a coordinate, the 4 closest known coordinates are retrieved from a grid file, and then interpolated using bi-linear interpolation.
HARN Files
For each HARN zone, 2 separate files are needed to calculate the shift. One file containing the latitude shifts (.LAS extension), and a file containing the longitude shifts (.LOS extension). Each file is binary encoded, and contains a header with some information on the file, like rows and columns, bounding rectangle and the grid spacing. The header contents should be the same for both the .los and .las file. Depending on the extension (.las or .los) the file also contains the latitude or longitude datum shifts (in seconds) encoded as 4 byte floating point values. HARN files are provided by the National Geodetic Survey.
HARN Regions
State | File |
Alabama | alhpgn |
Arizona | azhpgn |
Arkansas | arhpgn |
California North (above 37 degrees) | cnhpgn |
California South (below 37 degrees) | cshpgn |
Colorado | cohpgn |
Connecticut | nehpgn |
Delaware | mdhpgn |
Florida | flhpgn |
Georgia | gahpgn |
Hawaii | hihpgn |
Idaho and Montana East (east of 113 degrees) | emhpgn |
Idaho and Montana East (west of 113 degrees) | wmhpgn |
Illinois | ilhpgn |
Indiana | inhpgn |
Iowa | iahpgn |
Kansas | kshpgn |
Kentucky | kyhpgn |
Louisiana | lahpgn |
Maine | mehpgn |
Maryland | mdhpgn |
Massachusetts | nehpgn |
Michigan | mihpgn |
Minnesota | mnhpgn |
Mississippi | mshpgn |
Missouri | mohpgn |
Nebraska | nbhpgn |
Nevada | nvhpgn |
New Hampshire | nehpgn |
New Jersey | njhpgn |
New Mexico | nmhpgn |
New York | nyhpgn |
North Carolina | nchpgn |
North Dakota | ndhpgn |
Ohio | ohhpgn |
Oklahoma | okhpgn |
Oregon | wohpgn |
Pennsylvania | pahpgn |
Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands | pvhpgn |
Rhode Island | nehpgn |
South Carolina | schpgn |
South Dakota | sdhpgn |
Tennessee | tnhpgn |
Texas East (east of 100 degrees) | ethpgn |
Texas West (west of 100 degrees) | wthpgn |
Utah | uthpgn |
Vermont | nehpgn |
Virginia | vahpgn |
Washington | wohpgn |
West Virginia | wvhpgn |
Wisconsin | wihpgn |
Wyoming | wyhpgn |