Raster maps
The software is shipped only with a few demo maps because it is not feasible to bundle it with all the most recent and detailed maps worldwide. To ensure almost any map can be loaded, a wide range of file formats is supported. This makes that Hydromagic can be used with the most commonly used map formats. Two types of maps are supported: vector maps and raster maps. The list below shows information on some of the supported raster map formats.
Supported raster maps
Raster maps are basically bitmap images. They only contain image data, and in some cases (GeoTIFF), some geo-referencing information. These maps do not support high zoom levels, because they are limited by the number of pixels the map is stored in. The following raster formats are supported:
- Arc/Info ASCII Grid files;
- BSB nautical map files;
- GeoTIFF / TIFF files;
- Graphical Interchange Format (GIF) files;
- JPEG Image files;
- Microsoft Windows Bitmap (BMP) files;
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files;
- XYZ gridded elevation data (ASCII or binary);
You can import a vector map into your project by right-clicking the 'Maps' folder in the 'Project Explorer' and selecting the 'Import Map...' option from the context menu, as shown in the screenshot below:
Right-click the "Maps" folder in "Project Explorer" to import a raster map.
JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP and PNG image files
BSB maps