The CEESCOPE plugin is a plugin with graphical user interface designed to connect your CEE HydroSystems CEESCOPE or CEE ECHO echo sounder device. It will transfer position, depth, motion and full water column echogram data to the Hydromagic application.
Configuring the Ethernet adapter
Since the CEESCOPE is connected via an Ethernet cable to your computer directly, you have to configure your network adapter to be able to communicate to the device directly.
By default, under Windows, network adapters are configured to contain a DHCP server to obtain their configuration. Since no LAN will be present, you have to enter a static IP (TCP/IPv4) address.
Loading the CEESCOPE plugin
To load this plugin, open the preferences window by selecting "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu. In the window that appears, select the "Devices" tab. Next, click the 'Add...' button.
A list of available plugins will be displayed. From this list, select the 'CEE HydroSystems CEESCOPE Plugin' and click "OK" to load and display the plugin's user interface.
Configuring the CEESCOPE plugin
When the plugin loads, a dialog with some required settings will appear first. You need to set the network (UDP) ports for the transfer of navigation and acoustic data packets.
In most cases, you can use the defaults. With factory settings, UDP port 1234 is used to transfer the RTK position data routed through the sounder to the client software. UDP port 1235 is used to transfer the acoustic data packets, containing the depth, range, draft, and echogram data.
Use CEESCOPE internal timestamps
When the position data is transferred via the echo sounder, and no other time critical plugins are loaded in Hydromagic, it is recommended to enable this option. When this option is enabled, the CEESCOPE will time tag all depth and position data with internal timestamps. When using these timestamps, you do not need to set the latency setting.
Starting the plugin
When the ports have been configured, click 'OK' to save the settings and start the plugin. In case the Windows Firewall has been enabled on your computer, you will see the following popup window appear:
Make sure you click the "Allow Access" button to allow Hydromagic to send and receive data on the configured UDP ports. When you click the "Cancel" button, access to the sounder will be blocked and you won't receive any data from the sounder !
If the laptop is not connected to the Internet and is only used to communicate with the echo sounder, you can decide to shut down the Windows Firewall entirely. It is also recommended to try this in case of connection issues.
After allowing the connection, a green icon should appear in front of the plugin, indicating that data is being received successfully.
Testing the sounder
When data is received, you should be able to see the depth and position information in the data window. To have a look at the echogram data, select 'Echogram (Hi)' or 'Echogram (Lo)' from the View menu.