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Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin

The Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin is a plugin with graphical user interface designed to let you set the current suction tube angle manually. You can use this plugin in Hydromagic Dredging to simulate a real cutter or hopper dredger, for instance for demo purposes, or to test your new dredger configuration at the office before installing the software in the field.

Loading the manual inclinometer plugin

To load this plugin, open the preferences window by selecting "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu. In the window that appears, select the 'Devices' tab. Next, click the 'Add...' button.

the devices tab in the preferences dialog
Select the "Devices" tab and click the "Add..." button.

A list of available plugins will be displayed. In this list, select 'Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin' and click 'OK' to load and display the plugin's user interface.

select the Hydromagic manual inclinometer plugin
Select "Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin" and click "OK".

Using the manual inclinometer plugin

Once the manual inclinometer plugin has been loaded, it will use the selected angle data to calculate the dredging depth each second. It will also update the side and top views of the digging views. To change the simulated angle value of the suction tube of the hopper or cutter dredger configuration, you can either use the 'arrow up' and 'arrow down' buttons. To enter an exact value, input the new angle value in the edit field.

You can enter the angle value or use the arrow buttons
You can enter the angle value or use the arrow buttons.

Unloading the manual inclinometer plugin

To unload the manual inclinometer plugin window, open the preferences window by selecting "Preferences..." from the "Options" menu. In the window that appears, select the "Devices" tab. Next select the "Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin", right-click and select "Remove Device..." from the popup menu. When the plugin is unloaded, either by removing it from the devices list or stopping the software, the last used angle and window position are saved. The next time the plugin is loaded, the user interface will appear in the same screen location and the last known manual angle value will be displayed.

Unload the Hydromagic manual inclinometer plugin
Click the "Remove" button to unload the plugin.

Video Tutorial

The following YouTube video tutorial shows how to use the "Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin". Click below to play the video. When you like the video, please click the like button and subscribe so you will receive an update when new video tutorials on Hydromagic are uploaded.

Use the Hydromagic Manual Inclinometer Plugin to simulate a sensor on the suction tube.