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Export data to ASCII file

In Hydromagic you can use the ASCII export tool to save data as ASCII file or comma-separated values files. Both ASCII file and comma separated values file are basically the same. We call it a comma separated values file when the fields are separated by commas so they can be imported in third party software (for instance Excel). This tool allows you to export map overlays, unprocessed and processed survey data like:

  • Matrices;
  • Planned Survey Lines (Sections);
  • Boundaries (shorelines);
  • Comments;
  • Routes (autopilot);
  • Waypoints.

Starting the ASCII export tool

To start the tool, select the 'Export ASCII...' option from the 'File' => 'Export' menu.

The ASCII exporting tool can be started from the main menu
The ASCII exporting tool can be started from the main menu.

Using the ASCII export tool

The user interface of the ASCII export tool is divided into three parts.

  • Data File: Set the data to export and the output file name;
  • Format: Select the fields to write to the destination file and the column separator to use;
  • Projection and Units: Allows you to perform coordinate reference system or unit conversion on the data before writing it to the file (optional!).

Export matrix data as ASCII using the export ASCII tool
The ASCII export tool can be used to export various data as ASCII.

Exporting a Matrix

A matrix is basically a collection of XYZ coordinate pairs in a regularly spaced grid. To improve performance of the software, matrix files are stored in a proprietary binary format.

To make matrix data available to third party software, or to read the data in a spreadsheet, you have to convert the data to an ASCII or comma separated values file first. The screenshot below shows how to export a matrix:

Export matrix data as ASCII using the export ASCII tool
Export matrix data as ASCII using the export ASCII tool.

Since a matrix only has three variables: X, Y, and Z, the only fields you need to select using the 'Select...' button are 'Easting', 'Northing', and 'Depth'. Also select the matrix to export using the "Data To Save" selector and provide a valid filename. When exporting the data to, for example, Excel, select 'comma' as separator.

The resulting ASCII matrix file might look like this:

Example of matrix data exported as ASCII/CSV
Example of matrix data exported as ASCII/CSV.

Exporting a boundary

A boundary can be used in Hydromagic to perform clipping when generating a matrix or cross sections. You can also associate vertices of a boundary with a depth or height to use as a shoreline object.

When you want to share boundaries between Hydromagic projects, you can use the ASCII export tool to save it as text file, and use the ASCII import tool to import the data into another project or a third-party application. Depending on whether your boundary contains depth or elevation data, you have to select the 'Depth' field in addition to the 'Easting' and 'Northing' fields.

Export matrix data as ASCII using the export ASCII tool.
Export matrix data as ASCII using the export ASCII tool.

All boundaries available in the current project can be selected from the "Data To Save" selection box.

Example of boundary vertices exported as ASCII/CSV
Example of boundary vertices exported as ASCII/CSV.

Video Tutorial

The following YouTube video tutorial shows how to export matrix data as ASCII files in Hydromagic software using the built in "Export ASCII" tool. Click below to play the video. When you like the video, please click the like button and subscribe so you will receive an update when new video tutorials on Hydromagic are uploaded.

Export matrix data as ASCII files in Hydromagic.