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Distance Measurements

Eye4Software Hydromagic offers a "Distance Measurement Tool" which can be used to measure the distance and angle between two objects (for instance between vessel and shore, between waypoints or between lines and much more. The results of a distance measurement are displayed using the project's horizontal units (most likely in meters or feet).

Measuring the distance between two map objects

Distance between map objects can be calculated by selecting the a starting point and ending point using the mouse. For the most accurate results, ensure the objects are zoomed in to the maximum level.

Measuring distances in Hydromagic
Select the "Distance" option from the "Measure Tools" button.

Select the 'Distance' cursor tool by choosing 'Distance' from the 'Measure Tools' drop down button. Select the starting point by left-clicking the map and move the mouse to select the end point. As you move the mouse, the distance and angle will be updated continuously.

Measuring distances in Hydromagic
Measuring distances and angles in Hydromagic.

You will notice a line drawn between a starting point and an ending point. A dialog box appears on top of the map showing the current distance, positions, offsets and angle. When you have finished measuring, click the right mouse button to dismiss the dialog box, and return to the previous mouse mode.

Video Tutorial

The following YouTube video tutorial shows how to measure distances in Hydromagic software using the built in distance measurement tool. Click below to play the video. When you like the video, please click the like button and subscribe so you will receive an update when new video tutorials on Hydromagic are uploaded.

Measure distances and angles in Hydromagic.