Query objects
In Hydromagic, you can get more information about a map object or a matrix cell by clicking on it when the cursor mode is set to "Info". Additionally, you can convert a selected feature into a boundary. Set the mouse mode to 'Info' by selecting the 'Info' option from the 'Cursor' menu as shown below:
Select the "Info" option from the "Cursor" menu to use the mouse to query map information.
Querying depth values in a matrix
To retrieve depth information using the mouse, ensure a matrix is loaded, generated or imported, and make sure it is visible. When multiple matrices overlap at the location you want to get information on, make sure that only the matrix you want to query is set to visible. Switch visibility of map layers by clicking the 'eye' icon in the 'Project Explorer'. Click anywhere within the boundaries of the matrix to retrieve depth information. The depth and position information of the nearest matrix cell will be displayed in the 'Query Object Information' dialog:
When clicking a cell, its position and depth information will be shown.
Querying CAD or GIS features
To retrieve information on an object or feature on a CAD or GIS (vector) map, make sure the map is visible. You can now click on the object you want to retrieve information for. When an object is found near the cursor, the 'Query Object Information' dialog will be displayed. In this example we are querying a CAD object from a DXF file, so the DXF layer and handle are displayed.
When clicking a map feature, its information will be shown.
Converting CAD or GIS features to boundaries
As you may have noticed, the dialog contains a button labeled 'Convert shape to boundary'. This function allows you to import the shape of a boundary directly from a loaded CAD or GIS file. Select the object you want to use, and choose the 'Convert shape to boundary' option. This functionality is demonstrated in the video tutorial below:
Video Tutorial: Convert CAD or GIS feature to a boundary
This video tutorial shows how to create a boundary from a CAD or GIS feature (polygon or polyline) in a few steps. In Hydromagic, a boundary is used to clip contours, matrices and cross sections when generated.