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Supported NMEA0183 sentences

Messagetype Description
GGA GPS - Global Positioning System Fix Data
GLL GPS - Geographic Position, Latitude / Longitude
RMC GPS - Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data
VTG GPS - Track made good and ground speed
ZDA GPS - Time and Date
GSA GPS - GPS DOP and active satellites
GSV GPS satellites in view
GGK GPS - Trimble: Time, position, position type and DOP
DBK Echosounder - Depth below keel
DBS Echosounder - Depth below surface
DBT Echosounder - Depth below transducer
DPT Echosounder - Depth and transducer offset
ODC Echosounder - ODEC DPT Format
HDG Heading - Heading Deviation and Variation
HDM Heading - Heading Magnetic
HDT Heading - Heading True
VDM AIS - VHF Data Link Message

Other NMEA0183 Sentences

Messagetype Description
AAM Waypoint Arrival Alarm
ALM GPS Almanac Data
APA Autopilot Sentence "A"
APB Autopilot Sentence "B"
BEC Bearing and distance to waypoint - dead reckoning
BOD Bearing - Waypoint to Waypoint
BWW Bearing - Waypoint to Waypoint
FSI Frequency Set Information
MSK MSK DGPS Receiver Information
MTW Water Temperature
MWV Wind Speed and Angle
VHW Water Speed and Heading

AAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarm

Category: GPS

Example: $GPAAM,A,A,0.50,N,WPT0001*43

Field# Example Description
1 A Status, arrival circle entered, A = True, V = False
2 A Status, perpendicular passes at waypoint, A = True, V = False
3 0.5 Arrival circle radius
4 N Units: N = Nautical Miles
5 WPT0001 Waypoint Name
6 43 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

ALM - Almanac Data

Category: GPS

Example: $GPAAM,A,A,0.50,N,WPT0001*43

Field# Example Description
1 A Status, arrival circle entered, A = True, V = False
2 A Status, perpendicular passes at waypoint, A = True, V = False
3 0.5 Arrival circle radius
4 N Units: N = Nautical Miles
5 WPT0001 Waypoint Name
6 43 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

APA - Autopilot Sentence "A"

Category: Autopilot

Example: $GPAPA,A,A,0.10,R,N,V,V,011,M,DEST*82

Field# Example Description
1 A Status, V = GPS signal warning, A = general warning flag
2 A Status, V = GPS signal warning, A = general warning flag
3 0.10 Cross track error magnitude
4 R Direction to steer (L)eft or (R)ight
5 N Cross track units, nautical miles (N) or kilometres (K)
6 V Status: A = arrival circle entered
7 V Status: A = perpendicular passed at waypoint
8 011 Bearing origin to destination
9 M Bearing, (T)rue or (M)agnetic
10 DEST Destination waypoint name

APB - Autopilot Sentence "B"

Category: Autopilot

Example: $GPAPB,A,A,0.10,R,N,V,V,011,M,DEST,011,M,011,M*82

Field# Example Description
1 A Status, V = GPS signal warning, A = general warning flag
2 A Status, V = GPS signal warning, A = general warning flag
3 0.10 Cross track error magnitude
4 R Direction to steer (L)eft or (R)ight
5 N Cross track units, nautical miles (N) or kilometres (K)
6 V Status: A = arrival circle entered
7 V Status: A = perpendicular passed at waypoint
8 011 Bearing origin to destination
9 M Bearing, (T)rue or (M)agnetic
10 DEST Destination waypoint name
11 011 Bearing present position to destination
12 M Bearing, (T)rue or (M)agnetic
13 011 Heading to steer to destination waypoint
14 M Bearing, (T)rue or (M)agnetic

BEC - Bearing and distance to waypoint - dead reckoning

Category: Autopilot

Example: $GPBEC,220516,5130.02,N,00046.34,W,213.8,T,218.0,M,0004.6,N,EGLM*11

Field# Example Description
1 220516 UTC Time, HHMMSS format
2 5130.02 Latitude of waypoint
3 N (N)orth or (S)outh hemisphere
4 00046.34 Longitude of waypoint
5 W (E)ast or (W)est from central meridian
6 213.8 True bearing in degrees
7 T True bearing indicator
8 218.0 Magnetic bearing in degrees
9 M Magnetic bearing indicator
10 0004.6 Distance to waypoint in nautical miles
11 N (N)autical miles indicator
12 EGLM Waypoint name

BOD - Waypoint to Waypoint

Category: GPS

Example: $GPBOD,164.3,T,164.5,M,De Volmer,De Volmer*41

Field# Example Description
1 164.3 Bearing in degrees
2 T T = True Bearing, M = Magnetic Bearing
3 164.5 Bearing in degrees
4 M T = True Bearing, M = Magnetic Bearing
5 De Volmer TO Waypoint
6 De Volmer FROM Waypoint
7 41 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

BWW - Waypoint to Waypoint

Category: GPS

Example: $GPBWW,164.3,T,164.5,M,De Volmer,De Volmer*41

Field# Example Description
1 164.3 Bearing in degrees
2 T T = True Bearing, M = Magnetic Bearing
3 164.5 Bearing in degrees
4 M T = True Bearing, M = Magnetic Bearing
5 De Volmer TO Waypoint
6 De Volmer FROM Waypoint
7 41 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

DBK - Depth Below Keel

Category: Echo Sounder

Example: $SDDBK,1330.5,f,0405.5,M,0221.6,F*2E

Field# Example Description
1 1330.5 Depth
2 f Units: f = feet
3 0405.5 Depth
4 M Units: M = meters
5 0221.6 depth
6 F Units: F = Fathoms
7 2E CRC Checksum of NMEA data

DBS - Depth Below Surface

Category: Echo Sounder

Example: $SDDBS,1330.5,f,0405.5,M,0221.6,F*2E

Field# Example Description
1 1330.5 Depth
2 f Units: f = feet
3 0405.5 Depth
4 M Units: M = meters
5 0221.6 depth
6 F Units: F = Fathoms
7 2E CRC Checksum of NMEA data

DBT - Depth Below Transducer

Category: Echo Sounder

Example: $SDDBT,1330.5,f,0405.5,M,0221.6,F*2E

Field# Example Description
1 1330.5 Depth
2 f Units: f = feet
3 0405.5 Depth
4 M Units: M = meters
5 0221.6 depth
6 F Units: F = Fathoms
7 2E CRC Checksum of NMEA data

DPT - Depth

Category: Echo Sounder

Example: $SDDPT,3.6,0.0*52

Field# Example Description
1 3.6 Depth in meters
2 0.0 Offset from transducer: Positive - distance from transducer to water line, or Negative - distance from transducer to keel
3 52 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

FSI - Frequency Set Information

Category: Communications

Example: $CTFSI,020230,026140,m,5*11

Field# Example Description
1 020230 Transmitting frequency (20.230 MHz)
1 026140 Receiving frequency (26.140 MHz)
3 m Communications mode
4 5 Power level (Watt)

GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data

Category: GPS

Example: $GPGGA,181703.200,5209.6815,N,00643.0724,E,1,08,01,+0025,M,+0047,M,00,0425*6D

Field# Example Description
1 181703.200 Current time in U.T.C.
2 5209.6815 Latitude
3 N North (N) or South (S)
4 00643.0724 Longitude
5 E East (E) or West (W)
6 1 Fix Quality, see table below for values
7 08 Number of satellites used for fix
8 01 HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision)
9 +0025 MSL Altitude (Mean Sea Level)
10 M Altitude units, Meters (M) or Feet (F)
11 +0047 Geoidal separation, the difference between the WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean-sea-level
12 M Geoidal separation units, Meters (M) or Feet (F)
13 00 Age of differential data (DGPS)
14 0425 DGPS Beacon station ID
15 6E CRC Checksum of NMEA data

GPS Quality Indicator

Value Description
0 No Fix
1 GPS fix
2 DGPS fix (Differential GPS)
3 PPS fix
4 RTK fix (Real Time Kinematic)
5 Float RTK
6 Dead Reckoning (estimated)
7 Manual input mode
8 Simulation mode

GLL - Geographic Position, Latitude / Longitude

Category: GPS

Example: $GPGLL,5209.6815,N,00643.0724,E,181703.00,A*08

Field# Example Description
1 5209.6815 Latitude
2 N North (N) or South (S)
4 00643.0724 Longitude
5 E East (E) or West (W)
6 181703.00 Current time in U.T.C.
7 A Status, data valid (A) or data invalid (V)
8 08 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

GSA - GPS DOP and active satellites

Category: GPS

Example: $GPGSA,A,3,05,17,22,09,14,04,30,,,,,,1.8,1.2,1.3*32

GSV - GPS satellites in view

Category: GPS



HDG - Heading - Deviation and Variation

Category: Heading

Example: $HCHDG,98.3,0.0,E,12.6,W*57

Field# Example Description
1 98.3 Heading in degrees
2 0.0 Magnetic deviation in degrees
3 E Magnetic deviation direction, (E)ast or (W)est
4 12.6 Magnetic variation in degrees
5 W Magnetic variation direction, (E)ast or (W)est

HDM - Heading - Magnetic

Category: Heading

Example: $HCHDM,093.8,M*2B

Field# Example Description
1 93.8 Heading in degrees
2 M (M)agnetic

HDT - Heading - True

Category: Heading

Example: $HCHDT,245.1,T

Field# Example Description
1 93.8 Heading in degrees
2 M (T)rue

MSK - MSK DGPS Receiver Information

Category: DGPS

Example: $GPMSK,298.5,A,100,A,2*45

Field# Example Description
1 298.5 Frequency in kHz
2 A Frequency selection: A = Automatic, M = Manual
3 100 MSK bitrate in bps
4 A Bitrate selection: A = Automatic, M = Manual
5 2 Duration of output signal
6 45 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

MTW - Water Temperature

Category: Echo Sounder

Example: $SDMTW,26.8,C*45

Field# Example Description
1 26.8 Temperature
2 C Units: C = Celsius
6 45 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

MWV - Wind Speed and Angle

Category: Weather Instruments

Example: $WIMWV,214.8,R,0.1,K,A*28

Field# Example Description
1 214.8 Wind Angle
2 R Reference: R = Relative, T = True
3 0.1 Wind Speed
4 K Units: M = Meter per second, N = Knots, K = Kilometres per hour

RMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data

Category: GPS

Example: $GPRMC,181704,A,5209.6815,N,00643.0724,E,000.1,187.0,310109,,*24

Field# Example Description
1 181704 Current time in U.T.C.
2 A Status, data valid (A) or data invalid (V)
3 5209.6815 Latitude
4 N North (N) or South (S)
5 00643.0724 Longitude
6 E East (E) or West (W)
7 000.1 SOG (Speed Over Ground) in knots
8 187.0 COG (Course Over Ground) in degrees
9 310109 Date (DDMMYY)
10 Magnetic Variation (Not used when RMC is used by GPS)
11 24 CRC Checksum of NMEA data

VHW - Water Speed and Heading

Category: Other

Example: $IIVHW,245.1,T,245.1,M,000.01,N,000.01,K

Field# Example Description
1 245.1 True heading in degrees
2 T (T)rue indicator
3 245.1 Magnetic heading in degrees
4 M (M)agnetic indicator
5 000.01 Speed of vessel relative to the water (Knots)
6 N N = Knots
7 000.01 Speed of vessel relative to the water (Kmh)
8 N K = kilometres per hour

VTG - Track made good and ground speed

Category: GPS / Compass

Example: $GPVTG,37.38,T,,M,0.08,N,0.1,K*56

Field# Example Description
1 37.38 Course in degrees
2 T Reference, True (T) or Magnetic (M)
3 Course (Field is empty, because it is only used by compasses)
4 M Reference, True (T) or Magnetic (M)
5 0.08 Speed
6 N Speed units, Knots (N) or Kilometre per hour (K)
7 0.1 Speed
8 K Speed units, Knots (N) or Kilometre per hour (K)
9 56 CRC Checksum of NMEA data