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What is the quickest and easiest way to start a sounding from a blank project ?

Starting a sounding in Hydromagic is very easy. However, a few steps are required to collect the information needed.

We assume that the hardware is already connected, powered up and configured, and your GPS or RTK receiver has a valid position fix.

  • Select a local map projection by clicking the "(Click here to set map projection)" in the statusbar at the bottom of the screen;
  • Select "Save Project" from the "File" menu to specify a name for the project. This is required to autosave data during the sounding;
  • Click "No Active Sounding" in the statusbar at the bottom at the screen, and click the button with the plus sign in the "Sounding List";
  • Enter a name for the new sounding, and change display properties as needed. Click "OK";
  • Click the button with the red dot in the toolbar. This is the record button which starts data recording;
  • Perform your sounding.