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Do you have a WGS84 UTM map projection in US Survey Feet?

By default the UTM zones are always in meters. This is because Hydromagic uses the EPSG database which does not include definitions for UTM zones in International Feet or U.S. Survey Feet.

Most probably they will be added in new versions anyway. This article explains how to convert any map projection to it's Feet counterpart, so this article applies to UTM zones as well as other projections defined in Meters.

Instead of converting existing map projections to another unit of measure, we will show you how to create a "clone" of a map projection in feet, so you can leave the existing map projection intact.

To do so, please follow the following steps:

  1. In the main application menu, select the "Manage Coordinate Systems..." option from the "Options" menu;
  2. Search for the coordinate system you want to modify, in this case we use WGS84 / UMT Zone 16N as example;
  3. When the coordinate system is in the list, right click it and select the "Modify Copy..." option;
  4. The editor opens with a copy of this UTM zone. For both the horizontal and vertical units select "International Foot" or "U.S. Survey Foot";
  5. Please note that you also have to convert the "False Easting" and "False Northing" coordinates needs to be converted into Feets;
  6. For this example, you set the "False Northing" field to "0" and the "False Easting" field to "1640420";
  7. Add (ft) behind the projection name, so you can easily find it in the list later;
  8. Click "OK" to save your modifications. You can now select the modified coordinate system in NEW projects.