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Eye4Software Hydromagic - Knowledge Base - GNSS and RTK receivers

Q111001 I just bought a GPS to start testing with your software. How do i connect the GPS to my computer ?
This depends on the GPS receiver used. Some GPS devices, use USB, some Bluetooth and other are using a serial connection. To connect Bluetooth device, you need a Bluetooth dongle connected to your PC in order to read data from the device. From your Bluetooth manager software, connect to the GPS ...
Tags:   Serial Ports,

Q111002 I just bought a GPS device, but my computer doesn't have any serial port. What can I do ?
The best is to purchase an USB to serial converter. The best ones around are the converters using a FTDI chipset. ...
Tags:   Serial Ports, USB to Serial converters,

Q111003 My GPS outputs data at 9600bps, is this speed supported ?
The recommended baudrate for NMEA0183 devices is 4800bps. These days, some GPS units are also using 9600bps or even 19200bps for some RTK receivers. The software allows you to change the port speed of a NMEA0183 channel between the most commonly used baudrates, so other speeds then 4800bps can a ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, Serial Ports, Baudrate,

Q111004 Do you have an up-to-date list of GPS and RTK receivers that are known to work well with your software ?
A list of supported hardware (including GPS and RTK receivers can be found here. Please note, that when a device isn't listed this does not mean it does not work with our software. It is safe to say that every GPS or RTK receiver capable of outputting NMEA0183 or Garmin PVT data is supported by ...
Tags:   GPS receivers, RTK receivers, supported hardware,

Q111005 I am using a CSI DGPS device, but the GGA output is more precise (more digits) then the GLL, how can i force the software to use the GGA sentences only ?
In Hydromagic, it is possible to specify which NMEA0183 sentences should be encoded. To do so, select the NMEA0183 channel the GPS device is connected to, and click the "Select Sentences..." button. The "Select Sentences" dialog should now appear. It allows you to select which sentences to de ...
Tags:   NMEA0183, NMEA0183 Sentences, Select Sentences,

Q111006 I'd like to test the software, and I own a Garmin handheld receiver with USB connection. Can it be used with Hydromagic ?
Yes, Hydromagic offers functionality to connect Garmin handhelds that are equipped with an USB port. Garmin is using the proprietary PVT protocol for it's devices. Hydromagic has a built-in plugin to decode PVT data by accessing the Garmin USB driver directly. This plugin can be started by se ...
Tags:   Garmin GPS, Garmin USB, Garmin PT,

Q111007 Where do I configure the horizontal distance between the transducer and GPS antenna?
In order to get accurate soundings when GPS antenna and echosounder transducer are not mounted on the same location, an offset has to be calculated by taking the X and Y offset between the sensors and project this position using the vessels heading.In Hydromagic, the position of the transducer and a ...
Tags:   Vessel Shape, Transducer offset, Sensor offsets, Heading, Vessel Designer, Vessel Shape Editor,

Q111008 Can I connect devices with Bluetooth?
Yes this is supported.When a device has been paired with your computer, virtual serial ports will be created on your system.They will be called something like "Standard serial port over Bluetooth link #1".Just check which "COMxx" port is associated with the serial port, and use this to configure the ...
Tags:   Bluetooth, RS232, Serial Port,

Q111009 I managed to get position data from my GNSS receiver, however the "Data Views" only shows latitude and longitude coordinates but easting and northing coordinates are still zero's.
Most probably, you didn't open or create a Hydromagic project yet, which means the software doesn't know which coordinate system you are going to use. Therefore the projected coordinates are displayed as zero'sAfter creating or loading the project (part of creating a project is selecting a coordinat ...
Tags:   Projected Coordinates, Easting, Northing, Data View, GNSS Position,

Q111010 Why isn't the heading of my vessel displayed on the map view?
This can have multiple causes, but most of the time it is an issue with the GNSS receiver configuration. To fix this issue, please check the following: The NMEA0183 VTG sentence isn't enabled on your GNSS or RTK receiver The vessel isn't moving so the GNSS receiver isn't capable of calcula ...
Tags:   Vessel position, vessel heading, heading, NMEA0183, GNSS, VTG,